
Personal Trainer

About me. The Trainer:

About me, The Trainer:

 My love for health is a long standing relationship.It started with playing sports about 10 years ago and continued throughout my life. Nonetheless, the turning point for me was helping a friend change her entire lifestyle by committing 3 Months to her self-development. We structured her eating habits, challenged her mind/body relationship and by the end of it; she was down 30 lbs and never looked at her health or lifestyle the same again. The impact on me; undoubtedly created a new love and commitment to repeat this experience with others and help change the relationship between mind & body. With that, the birth of Tailored By E.Taylor was created.


These days the world knows me for my go to cue’s . “ Roll your shoulders” “ activate your core” and “expose your clavicle”. Creativity, humor,risk and an artistic mission to bring the wants + needs together for a lifestyle change continue to create long standing relationships.  Certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine with a focus in functional strength training,  Injury/surgery recovery, Flexibility/ Mobility training, PNF and Performance Enhancement training.

“Taylor is motivating, positive, knowledgeable, and a true professional who leads with her heart and her love of seeing people reach their potential. Her optimism, creativity, attention to detail, and patience are extraordinary! “ -RG
“Taylor has completely changed my life, She has been able to help me get over the wall. She always has amazing positive energy and is very patient! “ - SR

Personal Training Request/Waiting list

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Cooking up The Core

-At Home Core Workout ( No equipment Required)

- 9 Weeks

- 2 Meal structure

- Bi-weekly Progressions

- 1 App